Complaints Policy
1. Introduction
ICE Electrical is committed to providing the highest levels of customer service and continually strives to meet and exceed the expectations of its customers. However, we recognise that there may be times when we don’t get it right and our customers wish to make a complaint.
We have therefore developed this policy to describe in simple terms how you can make a complaint, how we will manage your complaint, and the levels of service you can expect.
We embrace the philosophy of continuous improvement in all aspects of our service delivery and view complaints as a valuable opportunity to improve our performance and ensure that we learn from our mistakes. It is our intention to provide our customers with access to a customer-focused complaints handling process that is open, responsive and fair.
We aim to ensure that:
- Making a compliment or complaint is as easy as possible.
- We welcome compliments, feedback, and suggestions.
- We treat a complaint as a clear expression of dissatisfaction with our service, which calls for an immediate response.
- We deal with it promptly, politely and, when appropriate, confidentially.
- We respond in the right way – for example, with an explanation, or an apology where we have got things wrong, or information on any action taken etc.
- We learn from complaints, use them to improve our service, and review our complaints policy and procedures annually.
- We recognise that many concerns will be raised informally and dealt with quickly.
2. Definition
We consider a formal complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction, expressed via email or phone call. All staff hold sufficient knowledge to be able to identify an “expression of dissatisfaction” even when the word “complain”, or “complaint” is not used.
3. Purpose
To ensure that all complaints are handled fairly and consistently in line with our terms and conditions and, where possible, resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction.
4. Responsibility of ICE Cleaning
- Act in accordance with the law and relevant guidance, and with regard for the rights of those concerned.
- Acknowledge mistakes and apologise where appropriate.
- Respond within the stated period of time (7 working days).
- Act in accordance with the Company's core values of humility, integrity and ambition.
5. Responsibility of complainant
- Write to within 24 hours of the service being carried out.
- Explain the problem as clearly and fully as possible.
- Allow ICE Cleaning a reasonable time to investigate the matter.
- Recognise that some circumstances may be outside of ICE Cleaning’s control.
- Remain respectful and courteous towards all employees at ICE Cleaning. Please note, abusive and/or threatening behaviour towards staff members will not be tolerated and may result in your complaint being disregarded.
6. Procedure
Stage 1
In the first instance, staff member(s) must establish the seriousness of the complaint. An informal approach is appropriate when it can be achieved. But if concerns cannot be resolved informally satisfactorily, then the formal complaints procedure should be followed, and the customer services team made aware.
Stage 2
If the complaint cannot be resolved informally, the customer should be advised that a formal complaint may be made, and this complaints policy must be sent to the complainant.
a) Acknowledgment email / letter (appendix 1)
Respond within but up to 28 working days
b) Investigation outcome email/letter (appendix 2)
c) If customer appeals decision, acknowledgment/holding email/letter must be sent (appendix 3)
d) A board meeting will take place and a decision will be made within but up to 30 days after the appeal
7. Confidentiality
Our complaints policy will ensure the utmost levels of confidentiality so that customers are not discouraged from making a complaint.
How to contact us
Telephone: 03335775805